I recently painted up some 15mm figures, from Alternative Armies. A long time ago I received a sample pack of sci-fi and fantasy figures. I finally decided to paint them up. Here they are. Descriptions are from their website. First up, Laserburn 15mm Sci-fi Sampler:
From L to R: 119 Law Officer (standing); 114 Adventurer (Laser Rifle); 206 Spacesuit (Rifle); 322 Guard (Power Armor); 300 Imperial Trooper (Bolt Gun). |
From L to R: 501 Mercenary (Assault Rifle); 108 Thug (Knife); 602 Law Module Mk III; 111 Female Civilian; 118 Guard Dog. |
Next we have the Alternative Armies 15mm Tabletop Fantasy Sampler: |
From L to R: 549 Giant Slug; 552 Ape; 550 Manticore Young; 553 Centaur (Spears); 506F Human Assassin. |
A closer look at the Slug, Manticore and Centaur. |
From L to R: 510F Female Magic User; 513 Female Fighter (Chainmail); 507F Human Bard; 511F Female Cleric; 509F Human Fighter in Plate. |
I then ordered their Octopods for my 15mm battles. Here they are:
Infantry: three poses of humanoid infantry with rifles. Advancing rifle level, standing, loading. |
Command figures: Octopod Officer with Rifle, pointing. Octopod Psyker with energy orb. Octopod Medic with apron and cleaver. Octopod Communications with radio and gear. |
Support Weapons with Energy Bazooka, Octopod with Heavy Laser Rifle, Octopod with Gauss Rifle. |
Seer Guard advancing, standard and duelling; all with energy poles. |
Assault Troops armed with pistols, swords, knives and a chainsaw. |
Racers. The Racer is a step up from their jetbike featuring a pilot's pod as well as a single exhaust engine which propels the racer at massive velocity. Fuel tanks and storage are under the hull and two lasers are forward fixed mounted. |
Jetbike. Little more than a saddle attached to rockets, tremendous speed and little control. |
These last photos are of a metal obelisk that came in a box of stuff, I think, from The Mysterious Package Company. Not really 15mm per se, but useable with any size miniatures. Sorry, I just realized I should have included a miniature in the picture for scale.
Thanks for looking!