It all started innocently enough.
I'd been researching all the different rule sets available for skirmish-style science fiction gaming (15mm mainly but not solely so) and I found myself getting confused between them all. I'd have a quick read-through to hit the highlights, but by the time I read the third or fourth set I'd forgotten what the first one was like. (Short-term memory loss: it's terrible; it's like...what was I saying?) Originally I was only targeting the free rules, but there are almost as many of those as there are pay-for rules. I started adding the rules in my collection. Then I said, why not summarize everything I own?
So I did what I always do when faced with a crisis: I made a list.
Herewith follows my one-page Rules Review and Summary, to help me keep the various and sundry rules separate in my mind. If someone else finds it useful, all the better.
It think it's self-explanatory. What's more, it's not meant to be a comprehensive, now-I-don't-need-to-buy-the-rules summary. And it's not finished either.
I do find it absolutely fascinating examining the different mechanics authors use to effect the same results: d6 vs d10 vs d20; IGoUGo vs integrated turns; simple vs complicated; charts vs no charts. Even the changes from one generation to the next are interesting to me: look at how Warhammer 40,000 has changed (I won't say improved or worsened; I make no editorial comments here). The List is pure objectivity and mechanical description.
Everything I've addressed below I own a legitimate copy of. I also have a "to be continued" list at the end, of rules I'd like to own someday.
If you find any glaring errors, or inaccuracies, please let me know.
I think I need professional help....
Without further ado...The List:
Alien Squad Leader version 2.0
15mm Squad Level Wargames Rules to play battles from Science Fiction
by Alex Self
Published by Alternative Armies/; 2009
- Scale: 15mm; Skirmish +
- Basing: Stands; ~5 figures per stand, 50mm x 50mm
- Units: Squad = 4 - 5 figures per stand
- Dice: d6
- Turns: High d6 roll is Attacker per scenario; Attacker takes first move; Attacker completes a turn, then Defender completes a turn; each turn consists of the following phases: Move/Use Command Stands, Free Actions Phase, Command Phase, Out-of-Command Phase, Close Assault Phase
- Facing: Front of stand
- Fire Arc: Front 180º (“...can only see other stands within a 45 degree arc to their left and right.”)
- Movement: Normal Move fixed per each unit type (ie, Inferior Infantry, Power Armoured Infantry, Light Vehicles, etc.); Fast Move = 2 x Normal Move
- Measurement method: Stand edge to stand edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Yes (“It is permissible to measure the range before deciding what a stand is going to shoot at.”)
- Measurement scale: Centimeters
- Shooting: Individual stands fire at single stand targets; can combine stands to fire on single stand targets
- Hit Allocation: Each stand has 3 hits before eliminated
- Background?: No (generic SF)
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Beamstrike 1.22
15mm Miniatures Sci-Fi Rules
by Neil Cooper, Don Clarke and Ian Garbutt; 2007-2009
Free pdf
- Scale: 15mm; Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual figures
- Units: Squad = 3 - 8 figures
- Dice: d4, d6, d10, d12, d20
- Turns: Player A is Attacker in scenarios that call for an attacker/defender, otherwise high d10 roll chooses to be either Player A or B; Player A Move1, Players A&B Fire, Players A&B Morale checks, Player A Move2, Player A Close Combat; Player B Move1, Players B&A Fire, Players B&A Morale checks, Player B Move2, Player B Close Combat
- Facing: Front 180º
- Fire Arc: Front 180º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type
- Measurement method: Base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Not specified, implies it is not prohibited (“If the range is above the weapon ‘maximum range,’ the shot cannot be taken, as it will miss automatically.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches (one reference of cm for determining close combat)
- Shooting: Individual figures shoot at individual targets, with own die rolls
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Combat Zone
Life in the 21st Century - It’s a Blast!!!
Kill or Be Killed in a Nightmare Vision of a World in Chaos
by Robin Dear and Derek Mugridge
Published by Paladin Publishing; circa 1999 (no copyright date given!) (new publisher)
- Scale: 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 2 + figures; Gang = 4 + figures
- Dice: d4, d6, d8
- Turns: Each player rolls either/as appropriate 1d4, 1d6, 1d8 per group/hero in/out of coherency + modifiers per leaders; high scorer has choice of going first or second; players then take turns to activate one group each, until all groups have been activated; each figure uses a set nubmer of action points each turn, depending on their quality; each figure’s actions must be completed before starting on the next figure
- Facing: Front 180º
- Fire Arc: Front 180º + LOS
- Movement: 1 action point (AP) = 5cm, 2 AP = 5cm difficult terrain, 1 AP = turn 91º - 180º
- Measurement method: Not specified (“The range to the target is measured.”)
- May Pre-Measure?: No
- Measurement scale: Centimeters
- Shooting: Individual figures shoot at individual targets, with own d6 rolls
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Fast and Dirty
Generic Wargame Rules for Fast & Dirty Modern and Sci-Fi Combat
by Ivan Sorensen; 2009
Free pdf
- Scale: 15mm, 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 5 - 10 figures; Platoon = 3 - 4 Squads; Company = 2 - 4 Platoons
- Dice: d6
- Turns: High d6 roll goes first, then take turns activating units: Player A unit 1, Player B unit 1, Player A unit 2, Player B unit 2; Optional Card Activation Rule also provided; while activated, units may perfrom one Action: Move/Shoot; Move/Close assault; Rush move; other Advanced Rules actions
- Facing: Not specified; 360º
- Fire Arc: Not specified; 360º + LOS
- Movement: Infantry: Move 6”, Rush 12”; Vehicles: mixed 6” - 24”; Optional Rule provided
- Measurement method: Not defined
- May Pre-Measure?: Not specified, implies it is not prohibited (“...before shooting can be resolved, the firing unit must always check to ensure the target meets Line of Sight, Fire Priority and Range requirements.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Squads shoot as a Unit at a single target, with a single die roll
- Hit Allocation: Figures closest to firing squad removed first; Optional rule provided
- Background?: No
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: No
- Counters/Templates? None provided; need “Under Fire” and “Pinned”
Firefight (original version)
Urban Conflict in the Ion Age
by Mac Coxhead, Paul Cockburn, and Geoff Pass
Published by Alternative Armies; 1991 (link to new version)
OoP (Firefight 2.0 now available: £12.00)
- Scale: 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 4 figures + leader figure; Platoon = 3 Infantry Squads + 1 Heavy Weapons Squad + Sub-Officer (20 figures); Century = 3 Platoons + Heavy Weapons Platoon (100 figures); Company = 400 - 500 men; Battalion = 3 - 4 Companies; Regiment = 3000 - 4000 men; Brigade = up to 6000 men; Division = 10000 - 20000 men; Corps = multiple Divisions; up to Army, Group, Host and Continental
- Dice: d6
- Turns: High d6 roll chooses who has Initiative, or per Scenario rules; Initiative controls who moves first; the Initiative Player (Player A) Activates a Character, rolls Action Dice, completes Actions per the dice results; the Initiative Player then selects the next Character to Activate, unless there are any models with unused Target or General dice showing; actions include: Move, Dodge, Move & Fire, Amied fire, Opportunity fire, Suppressing fire, Defensive fire, Reaction fire, Melee
- Facing: 360º, except in regard to Aimed Fire and Opportunity Fire
- Fire Arc: 360º, except in regard to Aimed Fire and Opportunity Fire, then front and sides only
- Movement: Number of Action Dice varies per troop type, movement based on how many dice roll 2-5
- Measurement method: “Battlegrounds” with 7/8” squares, no measuring per se, only counting squares
- May Pre-Measure?: Not prohibited, as the square grid is integral to the game
- Measurement scale: None, per Battleground grid
- Shooting: Individuals fire at individual targets, roll their own Action Dice
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

25mm Cy-Tech Combat System for Squads and Mechanized Units
by Dan Lavine
Published by Virtual Fusion Publishing; 1994
Web ?
- Scale: 25mm Infantry, 5-15mm Vehicles
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Point = 5 figures + Command figure; Platoon = 4 Points; Company = 4 Platoons; Cohort = 4 Companies; Legion = 10 Cohorts
- Dice: d20
- Turns: High d20 roll chooses his sequence for initiative (first, second, last, etc), then next-high roll chooses, etc (allows for multiple-player games); each Round of combat is composed of 3 Phases: Primary Action, Attack, Reserve Action. Player A (first in initiative) completes Primary Action Phase with all figures, Player B (second in initiative) completes Primary Action Phase with all figures, Player C (third in initiative) completes Primary Action Phase with all figures; Player A completes Attack Phases with all figures, Player B completes Attack Phases with all figures, Player C completes Attack Phases with all figures; Player A completes Reserve Action Phases with all figures, and so on; Primary Action Phase actions include one of the following: Movement, Attack, Non-combat action; Attack Phase actions include one of the following: Attack, Non-combat action; Reserve Action Phase actions include one of the following: Movement, Non-combat action
- Facing: LOS = Front 120º (suggests using a center mark on forward facing side of base)
- Fire Arc: Front 120º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type
- Measurement method: Figure center to figure center, per LOS
- May Pre-Measure?: No (“Players may not “pre-measure” shots before stating actions unless the figure in question is outfitted with a Range Finder.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individuals fire at individual targets, roll their own d20
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: No, but has Campaign rules
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Forge of War Second Edition
Rules for small unit actions in a science fiction universe
by Craig Cartmell; 2009
Free pdf
- Scale: 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad (Unit) = 5 - 20 figures
- Dice: d6 (markers), d10
- Turns: High d10 chooses to go first or second; Player-General A attempts to Activate a unit; if it fails, initiative passes to Player-General B; Player-Generals retain initiative until a unit fails to Activate; while Activated, units can perform any two actions: Move, Shoot, Engage in close combat, Deploy heavy weapon
- Facing: Not specified; 360º
- Fire Arc: Not specified; 360º + LOS
- Movement: Infantry 6”, Calvary/bikes 12”, Armour 8”
- Measurement method: Not defined
- May Pre-Measure?: Not specified Yes or No
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Units shoot at same unit/target; each firing figure rolls own d10
- Hit Allocation: Individual figures, but not defined which specific figures -OR- add D-Markers per hit
- Background?: No (W40K)
- Scenarios?: No
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates? No
Mutant Chronicles Warzone: Universe Under Siege
A Dark Techno-Fantasy Miniatures Battle Game
by Thomas Talamini, Bill King and Daniel Earp
Published by Excelsior Entertainment; 2003
“Ultimate Warzone - UWZ” (UWZ rules in .pdf) (active fan base)
Free pdf
- Scale: 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = variable per unit type per Army (ie, 4 - 12, or 4 - 8)
- Dice: d20
- Turns: High d20 roll plus modifiers chooses to activate a squad first or second; players take turns activating squads: Player A squad 1, Player B squad 1, Player A squad 2, Player B squad 2; each figure in a squad completes all its actions per it Action characteristic (AC) before moving to the next figure; possible Actions include: Move, Minimize presence, Climb, Jump, Attack (melee or ranged), Break away, Aim, Channel, Concentrate, Spot, Rally, Give orders, Wait; there are few limitations on Actions (ie, multiple Attacks are permitted)
- Facing: Front and back, 180º
- Fire Arc: 180º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type, based on Movement characteristic (MV); costs MV to change facing
- Measurement method: Base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Yes
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individuals fire at individuals or units
- Hit Allocation: Figures closest to firing squad removed first
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Necromunda (original boxed version)
Battle for Survival in the Nightmare Undercity
by Rick Priestley, with Jervis Johnson and Andy Chambers
Published by Games Workshop Ltd; 1995 (new version available)
Free pdf
- Scale: 28mm only; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Gang = 3 + models
- Dice: d4, d6, d10, d12, three types of “unique” d6’s: Sustained Fire (1,1,2,2,3,Jam), Scatter (four arrows, two HIT symbols), Artillery (2,4,6,8,10,MISFIRE) dice
- Turns: Per scenario, typically high d6 roll takes first turn; Player A completes a turn, then Player B completes a turn; each turn consists of: Movement, Shooting, Hand-to-Hand, Recovery
- Facing: Front (“The fighter is always assumed to face in the direction faced by the model itself....”)
- Fire Arc: Front 90º + LOS
- Movement: 4”; Running = 8”
- Measurement method: Not specified, implied as base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: No (“If the target is out of range then you have automatically missed....”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individual figures shoot at individual targets, with own d6 rolls
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes
No Limits Version 1.3
Sci-Fi Wargames
by Chris Gilders; 2006-2007
Free pdf
- Scale: 28mm “only”; Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Unit = 4 - 20 figures
- Dice: d10
- Turns: Low d10 roll wins Initiative, may choose a unit to be activated (either own or opponent’s); alternating Action-Point-Allowance per Unit; Unit A1: all actions per available APs; Unit B1: all actions per available APs; Unit A2: all actions per available APs; et cetera; available actions include Move, Close combat, Ranged attack, Rally, Hold, Psionics, Specials
- Facing: LOS = Front 180º
- Fire Arc: Front 90º
- Movement: 1” per Action spent
- Measurement method: Base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: No (“Before the shot is made, the range is checked from the front of the model’s base. If the target is beyond long range (LR), the shot counts as a miss and the actions are still spent by the active model.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individuals fire at individual targets, roll their own d10
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: No
- Scenarios?: No
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates? Yes, lots
Legions of Steel Tabletop Battles
by Clark Browning, Tom Frank, Wes Johnson and Marco Pecota
Published by Global Games; 1996
Web ?
- Scale: 28mm (not specified, although the miniatures produced by Global Games were 28mm scale); Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Unit = size not specified
- Dice: d6
- Turns: Initiative Stage: draw a regular playing card for each Unit; Combat Stage: Determination Phase: highest initiative card Unit can act (becomes Phasing Unit) or pass; Initial Phase: recordkeeping; Action Phase: Unit performs either a Mass Action or Individual Action; for Mass Action the Unit Moves/Fires or Fires/Moves as a Unit; for Individual Action, each figure in a Unit performs its movement and firing one at a time; Repeat the Combat Stage for all Units in Initiative order; End Stage: final bookkeeping
- Facing: Front, back, left and right arcs of 90º
- Fire Arc: Front arc 90º + Line of Fire (LOF)
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type, plus Running; costs Movement to change facing
- Measurement method: For LOF, from figure center to figure center
- May Pre-Measure?: No
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: For Mass Action, Units shoot as a group, firing at units; each rolls own d6, resolved simultaneously
- Hit Allocation: Not specified, but implied as Removed from the closest edge
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: No
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Shock Force (First Edition)
Battles in the Remnants of America
by Aaron Overton
Published by DemonBlade Games; 1998 (no longer works) (link to new version)
- Scale: Not specified, inferred 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 3 - 10 figures
- Dice: d6
- Turns: High d6 roll chooses to activate a unit first or second; players take turns activating units: Player A unit 1, Player B unit 1, Player A unit 2, Player B unit 2; firing may occur during (may interrupt) movement; each figure in a unit must complete all actions before moving to the next figure; available actions include any and all of the following: Move, Fire ranged weapons, Engage in close combat, Reserve fire
- Facing: Not specified; 360º
- Fire Arc: Not specified; 360º + LOS
- Movement: Variable per individual figure during troop creation
- Measurement method: Not specified, but implied as base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Yes (“Any player may measure any distance at any time without penalty.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individuals fire at units, roll their own d6s
- Hit Allocation: Respecting LOS, figures closest to firing squad removed first
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: No
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: No

Shock Force (Second Edition) / WarEngine
Battles in the Remnants of America
Science Fiction Miniature Wargaming
by Aaron Overton and Thomas Talamini
Published by DemonBlade Games (print); 2000 / Dark Tortoise (free WarEngine version)
Free web view; Print OoP
- Scale: Not specified, inferred 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Units (anything from single character to groups of figures)
- Dice: d6
- Turns: High d6 roll chooses to activate a unit first or second; players take turns activating units: Player A unit 1, Player B unit 1, Player A unit 2, Player B unit 2; firing may occur during (may interrupt) movement; each figure in a unit must complete all actions before moving to the next figure; available actions include any and all of the following: Move, Attack, Reserve attack
- Facing: Not specified; 360º
- Fire Arc: Not specified; 360º + LOS
- Movement: Variable per individual figure during troop creation
- Measurement method: Not specified, but implied as base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Not specified, implies it is not prohibited
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individuals fire at individual targets, roll their own d6s
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: No
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: No

Star Wars Miniatures Battles
by Stephen Crane and Paul Murphy
Published by West End Games; 1993
Web ?
- Scale: 25mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 3 - 10 figures
- Dice: d6
- Turns: High d6 roll plus modifiers chooses to activate a squad first or second; players take turns activating squads: Player A squad 1, Player B squad 1, Player A squad 2, Player B squad 2; after all squads have moved, Fire Combat is resolved simultaneously; after all Fire Combat is resolved, Close Assault combat occurs, then the Morale phase
- Facing: Front 90º
- Fire Arc: Front 90º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type, Walk rate and Run rate
- Measurement method: Measure the average distance between the firing soldiers and the targets; ie, measure from the center of the firing squad’s “fire line” [those figures which have LOS and are actually shooting] to the center of the visible soldiers in the target squad; each figure rolls own d6
- May Pre-Measure?: No
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individuals fire at individual targets per specific LOS; all figures must have LOS to shoot
- Hit Allocation: Random per specific LOS; all visible targets have an equal chance of being hit
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes, plus additional scenario book
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Science Fiction Combat Rules for 25mm Miniatures
by Jon Tuffley
Published by Ground Zero Games; 1996
Free pdf; Print OoP
- Scale: 25mm; 15mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 4 - 10 figures; Platoon = 2 - 5 Squads; Company = 3 - 4 Platoons; Off-table: Battalion; Regiment
- Dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12
- Turns: The player with the smaller number of units on the table chooses whether to activate first or second each turn (Optional alternate method also included); players take turns activating units: Player A unit 1, Player B unit 1, Player A unit 2, Player B unit 2; each unit has two actions it may perform per activation, which include: Move, Move out of cover, Fire support, Close-assault, Reorganise unit, Communicate, Observe, Remove Suppression, Rally unit, Transfer action
- Facing: Not specified; 360
- Fire Arc: Not specified; 360º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type
- Measurement method: From center of group of figures to center of target group of figures (Unit center to Unit center; from the “middle” figure in the group); applies to ranges and LOS
- May Pre-Measure?: Undetermined
- Measurement scale: Inches (alternate method of 1 inch:1 centimeter for 15mm scale)
- Shooting: Squads shoot as a unit, firing at units
- Hit Allocation: Randomly assigned by die roll
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes; No, not required

Void (original version)
Battles with Miniatures
by Mark Brendan
Published by i-Kore Ltd.; 2000 (no longer works)
- Scale: 28mm (not specified, although the miniatures produced by i-Kore were 28mm scale); Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = variable per unit type per Army (ie, 4 - 10, or 2 - 8)
- Dice: d10
- Turns: High d10 roll chooses to activate a unit first or can nominate one of the other players to go first; players take turns activating units: Player A unit 1, Player B unit 1, Player A unit 2, Player B unit 2; however in Multiplayer games, play passes clockwise around the table from the first player; each unit must complete all orders in sequence before moving to the next unit; available orders in sequence are the following: Move, Hold, Shoot, Assault
- Facing: No facings; 360º (“Irrespective of the direction a model is facing it is assumed to be aware of everything on the battlefield that is not hidden by intervening terrain or other models etc.)
- Fire Arc: 360º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type
- Measurement method: Base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Yes (“Players can measure distances at any time during their turn.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Units shoot at same unit/target; each firing figure rolls own d10
- Hit Allocation: Owner of target unit allocates hits per specific rules
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: No
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: No; Yes

Void 1.1
Battles with Miniatures
by Mark Brendan
Published by i-Kore Ltd.; 2000 (no longer works)
- Scale: 28mm (not specified, although the miniatures produced by i-Kore were 28mm scale); Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = variable per unit type per Army (ie, 4 - 10, or 2 - 8)
- Dice: d10
- Turns: High d10 roll chooses to activate a unit first or can nominate one of the other players to go first; players take turns activating units: Player A unit 1, Player B unit 1, Player A unit 2, Player B unit 2; however in Multiplayer games, play passes clockwise around the table from the first player; each unit must complete all orders in sequence before moving to the next unit; available orders in sequence are the following: Move, Hold, Shoot, Assault
- Facing: No facings; 360º (“Irrespective of the direction a model is facing it is assumed to be aware of everything on the battlefield that is not hidden by intervening terrain or other models etc.)
- Fire Arc: 360º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type
- Measurement method: Base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Yes (“Players can measure distances at any time during their turn.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Units shoot at same unit/target; each firing figure rolls own d10
- Hit Allocation: Owner of target unit allocates hits per specific rules
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: No
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: No; Yes

Void 1.1 Rulebook
Evolution or Extinction:
Colony Wars in a Galaxy on the edge of oblivion
by John Robertson and Mark Brendan
Published by i-Kore Ltd.; 2003 (no longer works)
- Scale: 28mm (not specified, although the miniatures produced by i-Kore were 28mm scale); Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = variable per unit type per Army (ie, 4 - 10, or 2 - 8)
- Dice: d10
- Turns: High d10 roll chooses to activate a unit first or can nominate one of the other players to go first; players take turns activating units: Player A unit 1, Player B unit 1, Player A unit 2, Player B unit 2; however in Multiplayer games, play passes clockwise around the table from the first player; each unit must complete all orders in sequence before moving to the next unit; available orders in sequence are the following: Move, Hold, Shoot, Assault
- Facing: No facings; 360º (“Irrespective of the direction a model is facing it is assumed to be aware of everything on the battlefield that is not hidden by intervening terrain or other models etc.)
- Fire Arc: 360º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type
- Measurement method: Base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: Yes (“Players can measure distances at any time during their turn.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Units shoot at same unit/target; each firing figure rolls own d10
- Hit Allocation: Owner of target unit allocates hits per specific rules
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes (in supplementary publications)
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Warhammer 40,000 Rogue Trader
by Rick Priestley
Published by Games Workshop; 1990 (new version)
- Scale: 28mm; Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Units = 4 + models (5 - 10); also called Squads universally
- Dice: d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20
- Turns: “Flip a coin to see which side has the first turn.” Player A completes a turn, then Player B completes a turn; each turn consists of: Movement, Shooting, Hand-to-hand Combat, Reserves, Psionics, Rallying
- Facing: Yes (“Models are assumed to be facing in the direction as indicated by the position of the figure.”)
- Fire Arc: Front 90º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type
- Measurement method: Not specified, but implied as base edge to base edge (“The purpose of a base is to establish which models can fight in hand-to-hand combat.”)
- May Pre-Measure?: Yes (“Before firing, measure the range. Decide whether the target is in range....”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Not specified, but implied as Individual figures shoot, with own d6 rolls (“...a player may shoot once with any appropriately armed model.” ”The firer must be able to draw a clear line of sight to the intended target.”)
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Warhammer 40,000 (second edition)
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war
by Rick Priestley and Andy Chambers
Published by Games Workshop Ltd; 1993 (new version)
- Scale: 28mm only; Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 5 + models; also called Mobs, etc for other races
- Dice: d6, three types of “unique” d6’s: Sustained Fire (1,1,2,2,3,Jam), Scatter (four arrows, two HIT symbols), Artillery (2,4,6,8,10,MISFIRE) dice
- Turns: High d6 + Strategy Rating goes first; Player A completes a turn, then Player B completes a turn; each turn consists of: Movement, Shooting, Hand-to-hand Combat, Psychic, Rally
- Facing: Yes (“The direction faced by a model indicates the actual direction faced by the individual foot soldier it represents.”)
- Fire Arc: Front 90º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop/race type
- Measurement method: Implied as base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: No
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Squads shoot as a Unit at a single target/unit, with individual exceptions (special weapons, Characters, etc.); each firing figure rolls own d6
- Hit Allocation: Remove the nearest models, or randomise by d6 if it is unclear
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Warhammer 40,000 (third edition)
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war
by Rick Priestley, Andy Chambers, Gavin Thorpe, Ian Pickstock and Jervis Johnson
Published by Games Workshop Ltd; 1998 (new version)
- Scale: 28mm only; Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 5 + models; also called Mobs, Broods, etc for other races
- Dice: d6, one “unique” d6: Scatter (four arrows, two HIT symbols)
- Turns: High d6 chooses to go first or second; Player A completes a turn, then Player B completes a turn; each turn consists of: Move, Shoot, Close Assault
- Facing: Not specified (“Models are turned to face their targets in the shooting phase so don’t worry about which way they are pointing at the end of their movement phase.”)
- Fire Arc: Not specified; LOS only
- Movement: Infantry: 6”; Vehicles: 12”
- Measurement method: Implied as base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: No (“This is why you have to choose your target before measuring the range.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Squads shoot as a Unit at a single target/unit; each firing figure rolls own d6
- Hit Allocation: Owning player chooses any models in range, even from rear of unit
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Warhammer 40,000 (fourth edition)
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war
by Rick Priestley and Andy Chambers, with Alessio Cavatore, Pete Haines, Anthony Reynolds, Jervis Johnson and Adam Troke
Published by Games Workshop Ltd; 2004 (new version)
- Scale: 28mm only; Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Units; not specified in main rules, supplements (Codexes) dictate size (ie, 5 - 20), name (Squad, Mob, Swarm, Brood, etc)
- Dice: d6, one “unique” d6: Scatter (four arrows, two HIT symbols)
- Turns: High d6 chooses to go first or second; Player A completes a turn, then Player B completes a turn; each turn consists of: Movement Phase, Shooting Phase, Assault Phase
- Facing: Not specified (“Infantry models can be turned to face their targets in the Shooting phase, so don’t worry about which way they are pointing at the end of their Movement phase.”)
- Fire Arc: Not specified; LOS only
- Movement: Infantry: 6”; Vehicles: 12”
- Measurement method: Base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: No (“This is why you have to choose your target before measuring the range.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Squads shoot as a Unit at a single target/unit; each firing figure rolls own d6
- Hit Allocation: Owning player chooses any models in range and line of fire, even from rear of unit
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes; more in Codexes
- Counters/Templates?: No; Yes

Warhammer 40,000 (fifth edition)
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war
by Alessio Cavatore (main rules), Mat Ward, Andy Hoare, Graham Davey, Phil Kelly, Gav Thorpe, Adam Troke, Robin Cruddace, Jervis Johnson, Jeremy Vetock (Rick Priestley, original rules)
Published by Games Workshop Ltd; 2008
$57.75; £35.00
- Scale: 28mm only; Skirmish +
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = variable per unit type per Army (ie, 5, 20)
- Dice: d6
- Turns: High d6 roll goes first; Player A completes all Movement, Shooting and Assaulting with all of his units; then Player B completes all Movement, Shooting and Assaulting with all of his units
- Facing: No facings; 360º
- Fire Arc: 360º + LOS
- Movement: Infantry: 6” (may Run d6” in Shooting phase)
- Measurement method: Not specified (“When you’re checking range, simply measure from each firer to the nearest visible model in the target unit.”)
- May Pre-Measure?: No
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Firing unit chooses a single enemy unit as target; Individual figures shoot, with own die rolls
- Hit Allocation: Owning player chooses from all figures, even if out of sight or out of range
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes; more in Codexes
- Counters/Templates?: No; Required, not provided in book

Warzone (first edition)
A Fast and Furious Miniatures Battle Game
Mutant Chronicles
by Bill King
Published by Target Games AB/Heartbreaker; 1995
- Scale: Not specified, inferred 28mm; Skirmish
- Basing: Individual
- Units: Squad = 2 - 12 models
- Dice: d20
- Turns: High d20 roll + Leadership score wins initiative and nominates any squad or character model to go first, including opponent’s squads; the squad’s controlling player (Player A) activates any single model in the unit, which may take as many actions as listed in its AC characteristic; Player A then activates another figure in the unit, in any order; each figure must complete all actions before another figure can activate; after all figures in the squad have completed their actions, Player B activates a unit; available actions include the following: Move, Fire, Aim, Concentrate, Use Special Power, Hide, Spot, Give Orders, Rally, Infiltrate, Close Combat and Wait; multiples of the same action are permitted (ie, move, move, move)
- Facing: Front 180º
- Fire Arc: Front 180º + LOS
- Movement: Fixed per each troop type, based on Movement characteristic (MV)
- Measurement method: Not defined
- May Pre-Measure?: Not specified Yes or No
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Individual figures shoot at individual targets, with own die rolls
- Hit Allocation: Per individual figure targeted
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes

Skirmish Level Miniatures Combat V 1.1
by Greg Saunders
Published by Fire Ruby Studios; 2008
Free pdf
- Scale: 15mm; Skirmish
- Basing: 2 figures per 1” round base
- Units: Fire Team = 2 figures per base
- Dice: d10
- Turns: High d10 roll chooses who goes first, then take turns revealing Action Markers per Fire Team; available Actions include Move, Fire, Assault, Rally, Dig in, Mobilise, Move and fire, Opportunity fire, Reaction fire
- Facing: No facings; 360º
- Fire Arc: 360º
- Movement: 1” = 1 point of Move Allowance; MA varies per Fire Team stats
- Measurement method: Not specified, but implied as base edge to base edge
- May Pre-Measure?: No (“...range can only be measured when the ranged combat attack is declared.”)
- Measurement scale: Inches
- Shooting: Fire Team/base fires at single Fire Team/base; can combine shooting with multiple Fire Teams; each Fire Team rolls own d10
- Hit Allocation: Fire Team/base loses Strength per hit
- Background?: Yes
- Scenarios?: Yes, suggestions in supplement
- Army/Force List?: Yes
- Counters/Templates?: Yes (must photocopy)
Here are the Games I need to acquire, in no particular order. (Correction: some I already have, but either they are unopened [and I wish them to remain so], or I simply haven't gotten around to summarizing them.)
Thanks for reading!